Trust extension | Download the Trust Wallet Chrome Browser

Visit the official Trust Wallet website ( and navigate to the "Download" or "Extensions" section. This is where you are likely to find information about any browser extensions

Trust Wallet primarily existed as a mobile application for iOS and Android devices, and there wasn't a browser extension version. However, developments in the cryptocurrency space can occur rapidly, and new features or versions of wallets may be introduced.

If there have been updates or changes since my last knowledge update, and Trust Wallet has introduced a browser extension, it's advisable to check the official Trust Wallet website or other official sources for the most current and accurate information. Here are the general steps you can take to check for a Trust Wallet extension:

  1. Official Website: Visit the official Trust Wallet website ( and navigate to the "Download" or "Extensions" section. This is where you are likely to find information about any browser extensions if they have been released.

  2. App Store or Play Store: Check the official app stores for iOS (App Store) and Android (Google Play Store) to see if there have been updates or the introduction of a browser extension.

  3. Official Channels: Follow Trust Wallet's official social media channels, such as Twitter, for announcements and updates. Important information about new features or versions is often communicated through these channels.

  4. Community Forums: Check community forums or discussion platforms related to Trust Wallet. Sometimes, users may share information or experiences about new features, including browser extensions.

  5. Contact Support: If you cannot find information through the above steps, consider reaching out to Trust Wallet's official support channels. They can provide accurate and up-to-date information on the available versions of Trust Wallet.

Remember to exercise caution and download any software or extensions directly from official sources to ensure security and avoid potential phishing scams. Be wary of third-party sources, as they may not be reliable or secure.

As the cryptocurrency ecosystem evolves, new features and versions of wallets are regularly introduced to meet user needs. Always use the latest and official versions of wallets to benefit from improved security and functionality.

Last updated